Monday, October 25, 2010

What is difference between client server and Web Testing?

In client server application you have two different components to test. Application is loaded on server machine while the application exe on every client machine. You will test broadly in categories like, GUI on both sides, functionality, Load, client-server interaction, backend. This environment is mostly used in Intranet networks. You are aware of number of clients and servers and their locations in the test scenario.

Web application
is a bit different and complex to test as tester don’t have that much control over the application. Application is loaded on the server whose location may or may not be known and no exe is installed on the client machine, you have to test it on different web browsers. Web applications are supposed to be tested on different browsers and OS platforms so broadly Web application is tested mainly for browser compatibility and operating system compatibility, error handling, static pages, backend testing and load testing.

Test Director FAQ's

Q: What is TestDirector?

TestDirector is a test management tool produced by Mercury Interactive. Its four modules - Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab and Defects Manager - are integrated to enable information to flow smoothly between different stages of the testing process. Completely Web-enabled, TestDirector supports communication and collaboration among distributed testing teams.
TestDirector has been classified in the following categories:
Defect Tracking
Testing and Analysis
Automated Software Quality (ASQ)

Q: What is the use of Test Director software?

TestDirector is Mercury Interactive's software test management tool. It helps quality assurance personnel plan and organize the testing process. With TestDirector you can create a database of manual and automated tests, build test cycles.
TestDirector is not used for executing any actual test activity but it is a test management tool used for Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management. Even if the individual test cases are not automated, TestDirector can make life much easier during the test cycles.

Q: How you integrated your automated scripts with TestDirector?

When you work with WinRunner, you can choose to save your tests directly to your TestDirector database or while creating a test case in the TestDirector we can specify whether the script in automated or manual. And if it is automated script then

Q: Is there any possibility to restrict duplication of defects being created in TD?

No Way. The only thing we can do is to find the similar defects and delete or close them.

Q: What is Quality Center( Test Director)?

You can use Quality Center to create a project (central repository) of manual and automated tests and components, build test cycles, run tests and components, and report and track defects. You can also create reports and graphs to help you review the progress of test planning, runs, and defect tracking before a software release. When you work in QuickTest, you can create and save tests and components directly to your Quality Center project. You can run QuickTest tests or components from Quality Center and then use Quality Center to review and manage the results. You can also use Quality Center with Business Process Testing support to create business process tests, comprised of the components you create in either QuickTest or Quality Center with Business Process Testing support.

Q: After creating the test cases in excel and exported to TD. How does test director know the headings?

To export the test cases from spreadsheet to TD there are 8 steps. In 6th step we need to map the Td fields with corresponding Spreadsheet columns. Hence you are the mapping so you can map according to your specifications.

Q: How to use TestDirect like a Dashboard?

The new version of TD (TestDirector for Quality Center) should provide you with that. If you not want to upgrade, you have to design your own "start page", include the apps and bits you want to display, and use code to extract data from TD.

Q: Can you retrieve a test case once you have deleted them in Test Director ?

In Quality Center, if you delete entire folder with tests, the tests get stored in Unattached folder. But if you just deleted 'individual' tests, they are GONE! and can't be retrieved. Not sure if Test Director has the same behaviour/functionality.
There are 2 options in QC. one is remove and another is delete. the diffrence is that .once it is remove it is removed from test set but avail in QC directory. If it is deleted, you can't retrive. If you press delete that will delete from that QC directory also.

Q: How do we import testcases written in Excel to Test Director

Use Mecury Interactive Microsoft Excel Add-in for importing test cases written in excel sheet. It is available on Add-ins page. Select the rows in excel which you want to upload to TD. Then select export to TD option under tools menu

Q: Is it necessary to learn Test Director for beginners

Test director is a test mangement tool, it is used across all major organizations and is generally used for management of all test activities in organization.
It is important to learn this tool, but for beginners it is enough to understand how to log defects into it and how to run tests using it.

Q: Can you please explain the procedure of connecting TestDirector in QTP?

To connect to TD from QTP follow the steps...
Open Qtp ==> Tools ==> Select TestDirector Connection ==> In Server Connction Box Enter TD address(URL of TD) ==> Click Connect==> In project Connection Box Enter the Details Domain,Project,User name and Password ==> Click Connect
If you want to reconnect on startup check the reconnect on startup and save password for reconnection on startup.
Then close.

Q: What are the various types of reports in TestDirector?

For each and every phase we can get reports, like for requirements, test cases, and test run. There are some types of reports also available like report summary, progress report and requirements coverage report.
Each and every test director client tool consists of a menu bar Analysis. By using this menu you can crate reports in table format. You can generate graphs. All graphs options in maths are supported. And you can create various types of charts too.

Q: TD (Quality Center 9.0) how can you run automated test cases?

While designing your test steps in QC for automation tests in test plan module, Test Script tab is availble. You can generate script here or copy from your automatioon tool. While running your tests, it will ask for on which host you want to run. You need to select the system in your network. Then run it. Before going to run your script in a system, the automation tool, like WinRunner, must be installed on that system. Otherwise you will get an error.
Q: Can we add user defined fields to Test Director?
Yes. We can add the user defined fields using TD 8.0, But you need to have admin priviliges to this.

Q: How do we attach Excel sheet with test director?

This function is for getting datatable(excel sheet) in test director.
Try to use it and as vbs file and call this function to get ur datatable.
GetAttachment(FileName, OutPath)
FileName The name of the attachment that needs to be copied
OutPath The folder location where the file needs to be stored
Return value The full path where the file has been copied on the local file system

FilePath = GetAttachment("test.pdf", "C:")
MsgBox "Your file is here:" & FilePath

The GetAttachmentFromTest finds the attachment associated to the given test name and stores it in a local folder.

GetAttachmentFromTest(TestName, FileName, OutPath)

TestName The name of the test where the attachment is located
FileName The name of the attachment that need to be copied
OutPath The folder location where the file needs to be stored
Return value The full path where the file has been copied on the local file system

FilePath = GetAttachmentFromTest("Attachment", "hello.vbs", "C:aa")
MsgBox "Your file is here:" & FilePath

Q: What is the use of Test Lab in Test director?

Test Lab can be used to create a test set. You can add one or many test cases into a test set. Then run all test cases in a test set together and change the status as pass/fail.

Q: Can we map the Defects directly to the requirements (not thru the test cases) in the Test Director?

Create your req. structure.
Create the test case structure and the test cases
Map the testcases to the apr. req.
Run and report bugs from your test cases in the test lab module.

The database structure in TD is mapping testcase to defects, only if you have created the bug from the apr. test case. Maybe you can update the mapping by using some code in the bug script module (from the customize project funktion), as fare as I know, its not possible to map defects directly to an req.

Q: How do I run reports from Test Director?

This is how you do it:
1. Open the test director project.
2. Display the requirements module.
3. Chose report
Analysis > Reports > Standard Requirements Report.

Q: Can we export the files from Test director to Excel Sheet? If yes then how?

Design tab -- Right click -> go to save as -> select excel and save it
Requirement tab -- Right click on main req/ click on export/ save as word, excel or other template. This would save all the child requirement.
Test plan tab-- only individual test can be exported. No parent--child export is possible.Select a test script. click on the design steps tab. right click anywhere on the open window. click on export and save as....
Test lab tab-- select a child group. Click on execution grid if it is not selected. right click anywhere . default save option is excel. but can be saved in doc and other formats. select 'all' or 'selected' option.
defects tab -- right click anywhere on the window, export all or 'selected' defects and save excel sheet or document.

Q: Can we upload test cases from an excel sheet into Test Director?

Yes, you can do that. Go to Add In menu in TestDirector, find the Excel add in, and install it in you machine. Now open excel, you can find the new menu option export to Test director. Rest of the procedure is self explanatory

Q: How can we map a single defect to two test scripts? Is there a way in test director so that we can state that defect defect X is same for test script A and test script B?

No way. When you run a script, you find and generate a defect report. In other words, every defect report is unique to a single test script.

Q: How can we create our own Defect Template from Test Director? Is it possible in Test Director? If possible how we can Create our Own Template?

You can not create your own template for defect reporting in Test Director but you can customize the Template in Test Director

Q: How can we export multiple test cases from TD in a single go?

Open any test and click on the tab 'design step'. Once it opens, you can right click on the first cell and export into any format .

Q: How to customize the reports generated?

This depends a lot of what you are interested in "reporting on". You have to combine both SQL and VB script to extract data from TD to Excel.
Its also possible to "customize" the standard reports given from the "analyze" tab, this is written in XML if you are familiar with this language.
If you log in to Mercury support you will be able to find a lot of code examples.

Q: How many tabs in TestDirector and explain them?

there are 4 tabs available in Testdirector.
1. Requirement -> to track the customer requirenments
2. Testplan -> to design the testcases & to store the testscripts
3. Testlab -> to exectue the testsets & track the results
4. Defect -> to log a defect & to track the logged defects

Q: How to map requirements with testcases in TestDirector?

1. In requirements TAB select coverage view.
2. Select requirement by clicking on Parent/Child or grand Child.
3. On right hand side (in Coverage View Window) another window will appear. It has two TABS (a) Tests Coverage (b) Details. Test Coverage TAB will be selected by default or you click it.
4. Click on Select Tests Button. A new window will appear on right hand side and you will see a list of all tests. You can select any test case you want to map with you requirement.

Q: How to use TestDirector in real time projects?

Once completed the preparing of the test cases.
1. Export the test cases in to Test Director. ( it will contain total 8 steps).
2. The test cases will be loaded in the Test Plan module.
3. Once the execution is started, we move the test cases from Test Plan tab to the Test Lab module.
4. In Test Lab, we execute the test cases and put as pass or fail or incomplete. We generate the graphs in the test lab for daily report and sent to the onsite (where ever you want to deliver).
5. If you got any defects and raise the defect in the defect module. When raising the defect ,attach the defect with the screen shot.

Q: How can we add requirements to test cases in Test Director?

You can add requirements to test cases in two ways; either from Requriements tab or Test Plan tab.
Navigate to the appropriate Requirement and right click, you can find the menu to map the test case and the vice versa is available in Test plan tab.

Q: What does Test Grid contains ?

The Test Grid displays all the tests in a TestDirector project.
The Test Grid contains the following key elements:
Test Grid toolbar, with buttons of commands commonly used when creating and modifying the Test Grid.
Grid filter, displaying the filter that is currently applied to a column.
Description tab, displaying a description of the selected test in the Test Grid.
History tab, displaying the changes made to a test. For each change, the grid displays the field name, date of the change, name of the person who made the change, and the new value.

Q: How to generate the graphs in Test Director ?


Open test director and then click the Analysis you will find three type of graphs
Planning Progress Graphs
Planning Summary Graphs
Defect Age Graph
Click any of one and you can generate the graphs..

The generation of graphs in the Test Director that to Test Lab module is :
1. Analysis
2. Graph
3. Graph Wizard
4.Select the graph type as Summary and click the Next button.
5.Select the show current tests and click the next button.
6.Select the Define a new filter and click the Filter button.
7. Select the test set and click the Ok button.
8.Select the Plan : subject and click the ok button.
9. Select the Plan: Status
10 Select the test set as x- Axis
11. Click the Finish button.

Q: What is the difference between Master test plan and test plan?

Master test plan is the doccumaent in which each and every functional point is validated.
Test case docuument contains test cases, Test case is the perception with which probability of finding the defect is more.

Q: What is the main purpose of storing requirements in Test Director?

In TestDirector(Requirement Tab) We Stores Our Project Requirement documents according to our modules or functionality of the applications. This helps us to makes sures that all requirements are covered when we trace developed Test Case/Test Script to the requirements. This helps QA Manager to review what extent the requirements are covered.

Q: What are the 3 views and what is the purpose of each view?

The 3 views of requirment are:
1)Document View-tabulated view
2)Coverage View-establish a relationship between requirement and the test assosiated with them along with their execution status.Mostly the requirements are written in this view only.
3)Coverage analysis view-show a chart with requirementassociated with the test,and execution status of the test.

Q: How many types of reports can be generated using TestDirector?

Reports on TestDirector display information about test requirements, the test plan, test runs, and defect tracking. Reports can be generated from each TestDirector module using the default settings, or you can customize them. When customizing a report, you can apply filters and sort conditions, and determine the layout of the fields in the report. You can further customize the report by adding sub-reports. You can save the settings of your reports as favorite views and reload them as needed.

Q: How will you generate the defect ID in test director? Is it generated automatically or not?

The Defect ID will be generated automatically after the submission of the defect..

Q: How do you ensure that there are no duplication of bugs in Test Director?

In the defect tracking window, at the top we can see the find similar defect icon. If we click after writing our defect, if any of the tester already added the similar defect it will tell. Else we can add.

Q: Difference between WinRunner and Test Director?

WinRunner: Its an Automation Testing tool, used for automation of manual written Test Cases to Test Scripts and Regression Test also. Test Director: Its an Testing Management tool, used from Creating Test Plan,Preparation of testCases, execution of testcases and generating defect report.Also used for maintaining Test Scripts.

Q: How to add Test ID to TestPlan?

Create an object with a type = Number. Name it something like "Test_ID" in the Customize Entities area. Then go into the Workflow Script Editor to "TestPlan module script/TestPlan_Test_MoveTo" and insert the following:
if Test_Fields.Field("Your Object Name").Value <> Test_Fields.Field ("TS_TEST_ID").Value then Test_Fields.Field("Your Object Name").Value = Test_Fields.Field("TS_TEST_ID").Value end if
This will put an object on each test thet displays the Test ID Number.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Android Glossary

.apk extension

The extension for an Android package file, which typically contains all of the files related to a single Android application. The file itself is a compressed collection of an AndroidManifest.xml file, application code (.dex files), resource files, and other files. A project is compiled into a single .apk file.

.dex extension

Android programs are compiled into .dex (Dalvik Executable) files, which are in turn zipped into a single .apk file on the device. .dex files can be created by automatically translating compiled applications written in the Java programming language.


A description of something that an Intent sender wants done. An action is a string value assigned to an Intent. Action strings can be defined by Android or by a third-party developer. For example, android.intent.action.VIEW for a Web URL, or com.example.rumbler.SHAKE_PHONE for a custom application to vibrate the phone.


A single screen in an application, with supporting Java code, derived from the Activity class.


Android Debug Bridge, a command-line debugging application shipped with the SDK. It provides tools to browse the device, copy tools on the device, and forward ports for debugging. See Using adb for more information.


A collection of one or more activities, services, listeners, and intent receivers. An application has a single manifest, and is compiled into a single .apk file on the device.

Content Provider

A class built on ContentProvider that handles content query strings of a specific format to return data in a specific format. See Reading and writing data to a content provider for information on using content providers.

Content URI

A type of URI. See the URI entry.


The name of Android's virtual machine. The Dalvik VM is an interpreter-only virtual machine that executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format, a format that is optimized for efficient storage and memory-mappable execution. The virtual machine is register-based, and it can run classes compiled by a Java language compiler that have been transformed into its native format using the included "dx" tool. The VM runs on top of Posix-compliant operating systems, which it relies on for underlying functionality (such as threading and low level memory management). The Dalvik core class library is intended to provide a familiar development base for those used to programming with Java Standard Edition, but it is geared specifically to the needs of a small mobile device.


Dalvik Debug Monitor Service, a GUI debugging application shipped with the SDK. It provides screen capture, log dump, and process examination capabilities. See Using the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server to learn more about this program.


A compiled visual resource that can be used as a background, title, or other part of the screen. It is compiled into an subclass.


A class (Intent) that contains several fields describing what a caller would like to do. The caller sends this intent to Android's intent resolver, which looks through the intent filters of all applications to find the activity most suited to handle this intent. Intent fields include the desired action, a category, a data string, the MIME type of the data, a handling class, and other restrictions.

Intent Filter

Activities and intent receivers include one or more filters in their manifest to describe what kinds of intents or messages they can handle or want to receive. An intent filter lists a set of requirements, such as data type, action requested, and URI format, that the Intent or message must fulfill. For Activities, Android searches for the Activity with the most closely matching valid match between the Intent and the activity filter. For messages, Android will forward a message to all receivers with matching intent filters.

Intent Receiver

An application class that listens for messages broadcast by calling Context.broadcastIntent(). For example code, see Listening for and broadcasting global messages.

Layout resource

An XML file that describes the layout of an Activity screen.


An XML file associated with each Application that describes the various activies, intent filters, services, and other items that it exposes. See AndroidManifest.xml File Details.

Nine-patch / 9-patch / Ninepatch image

A resizeable bitmap resource that can be used for backgrounds or other images on the device. See Nine-Patch Stretchable Image for more information.

Query String

A type of URI. See the URI entry.


A user-supplied XML, bitmap, or other file, entered into an application build process, which can later be loaded from code. Android can accept resources of many types; see Resources for a full description. Application-defined resources should be stored in the res/ subfolders.


A class that runs in the background to perform various persistent actions, such as playing music or monitoring network activity.


A set of properties (text size, background color, and so on) bundled together to define various default display settings. Android provides a few standard themes, listed in (starting with "Theme_").


Android uses URI strings both for requesting data (e.g., a list of contacts) and for requesting actions (e.g., opening a Web page in a browser). Both are valid URI strings, but have different values. All requests for data must start with the string "content://". Action strings are valid URIs that can be handled appropriately by applications on the device; for example, a URI starting with "http://" will be handled by the browser.