“What is Handset Bluetooth testing?” This is a very common interview question for handset testing. First let us see what is “Bluetooth”.
Bluetooth:- It is an wireless protocol for exchanging data from fixed and mobile devices over a short distance.
Now that we are clear with the definition of Bluetooth, let’s move on to Bluetooth testing of mobile/handheld devices.
Today all mobiles have this feature and following pointers must be kept in mind while doing Bluetooth testing.
- Initially check the visibility of the device to others while trying to search your device (Master)
- Try to pair with device.
- Change the visibility time (Ex: On, 1min, 3 min etc)
- Rename the device (Slave)and try to pair with same (Master)device and check for the name update in Master
- Transfer of files from Master to slave and slave to master
- Connect the call via BT headset
- Try to pair with maximum devices allowed to pair.
- Try to share the files with all the maximum paired devices at a time
- Check that BT can be invoked from Multimedia applications while trying to send the media/files
- Try to send the contact via BT
I think this small information will help you all up to certain extent.