Below are given a few scenarios to test the mobile battery backup:
1. Charge the mobile up to maximum capacity.
2. Call to a number and continuously use it until the battery fully drained out. Measure the time of life for one full cycle.
3. Charge the battery up to 20% of it's capacity use it until the battery is fully drained out.
4. Charge the battery up to 40% of it's capacity use it until the battery is fully drained out.
5. Similarly check for 60%,80% of battery charge capacities and measure the battery backup time.
6. Verify the battery life by continuously sending SMSs.
7.Verify the (GUI) power indicating lines or levels correctly displaying or not with respect to actually charged battery level.
8.test the phone in non signal coverage area and measure the battery stand by time. (In non signal coverage area cell continuously searches for signals due to this the power continuously dissipated as radio frequency signals and battery drained very soon)